AGM Cancelled

Dear MCC Members

In the light of the fast moving situation with Coronavirus, the Committee have reluctantly decided to postpone the AGM due to be held next Tuesday until a future date when the national threat has diminished.

The Committee are very conscious of the fact that the Club Constitution stipulates that the AGM should be held in March of each year but felt it is incumbent upon them to take this measure for the welfare of their Members.

We hope that you understand our decision and look forward to welcoming you in the not too distant future.

Now to the thorny issue of subscriptions!

The Committee are pleased that we are able to maintain the 2019 subscription for the upcoming season and thanks to those who have already paid. 

The 2020 subs would have been payable at the AGM (if not before!).  Unfortunately Coronavirus does not stop the bills coming in and therefore payment of subs will still be required before the end of March.

I attach a copy of the Membership Form to be completed and returned to Richard, either with a cheque or indicating that you have completed a bank transfer.  Richard’s address is on the bottom of the form.

Should anyone have difficulty downloading the form, please email me by return and I will send a hard copy through the post.

Mary will be in touch very shortly with those of you who have booked lunch.

Kind regards (keep healthy)

Philippa Hardy-King

Secretary to and on behalf of the MCC Committee