The Keith Bigden Memorial Ground, Wickham Bishops Road, Hatfield Peverel,CM3 2JL
Privacy Policy
The data we routinely collect includes names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of members and also records of relevant financial transactions. We collect this data directly from our members when they join the club or when they notify us of changes. We also hold the same type of information for others whose services we use, have used or may use in support of the aims of the club.
Contact information for members of the committee and others allocated specific responsibilities by the committee may, with their agreement, be available from the website.
For some of our members we may have additional information such as roles that they carry out within the club.
We use members’ data for the administration of membership; the communication of information, and the organisation of events.
As part of the process of organising competitions we pass email addresses and, when necessary, telephone numbers of entrants to other members entering the same competition.
As part of the process of registering members as Associates of Croquet England we supply them with members’ names, addresses and other contact details. Croquet England use this data as follows:
Members’ names will appear on lists of our club members on the Croquet England website and are visible to any of their logged in Members or Associates.
Postal addresses will only be visible to Croquet England administrators, who may share them with the fulfilment house for delivery of the Croquet Gazette.
With your consent, Croquet England will publish your contact information in their online Directory, accessible to your fellow club members or to all Croquet England Subscribers as you allow. We will ask members for their preferences in this respect and pass them on to Croquet England.
We do not pass members’ data to any other individual or organisation.
The information held by the club is mainly stored in digital form on computers under the control of the secretary and the treasurer and on a website hosted by SIteGround on a server in the UK.
The chair of the committee is responsible for ensuring that the club discharges its obligations under the GDPR.
Committee members and others allocated specific responsibilities by the committee have access to members’ data in order for them to carry out their legitimate tasks for the club.
We collect personal data that is necessary for the purposes of its legitimate interests as a membership organisation. We maintain records to comply with Charity Law and to comply with our legal obligations.
You can contact us with a “Subject Access Request” if you want to ask us to provide you with any other information we hold about you. If you are interested in any particular aspects, specifying them will help us to provide you with what you need quickly and efficiently. We are required to provide this to you within one month. There is not usually a fee for this, though we can charge a reasonable fee based on the administrative cost of providing the information if a request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, or for requests for further copies of the same information.
We may also keep records of the medical requirements of children and vulnerable adults.
If you would like us to delete data relating to you, please contact the Secretary. It will be deleted if we are legally permitted to do so.
We normally keep members’ data after they resign or their membership lapses in case they later wish to re-join.
We normally keep members’ information after they die. If requested by their next-of-kin to delete such information it will be deleted if we are legally permitted to do so.